Whatever I am today, it’s because I joined Azad to learn driving and that totally changed my life and me. My sense of empowerment has brought limitless possibilities in my life.
Hi, I am Rajrani, your driver.
I belong to Bulandshahar in Uttar Pradesh. I was the youngest in my parental family and eldest in my in-law’s family. My life was very challenging. I was married at the age of 16, soon after completing class tenth. Then, I gave birth to twin sons. My life got confined to home.
My life took an unexpected turn when I decided to join Azad foundation as a trainee in December 2015. Through the training sessions at Azad I learnt a lot in communication skills, gained confidence that enabled me to navigate through difficult situations in life and also on roads.
I got my first placement with Sakha in 2017 and began working for a client. I worked for more than two years after which I got the opportunity to join Azad as a Training Faculty. I have overcome difficult economic and social challenges. From being someone who could not step out of her home alone, I am now adept at going anywhere, doing anything and handling any situation that comes my way. In 2020, when riots engulfed Delhi, I had the courage to get on the road and reach out to our colleagues who were in danger. During the pandemic, I was unafraid of going out to communities to help distribute rations.
Through the earning from this profession, my lifestyle, attire, my perspective, vision and my whole life has undergone a transformation. Today my in-laws praise me. I am proud of my struggle that even though I couldn’t acquire higher educational qualifications, I have still been able to find a satisfying job that helps me earn my livelihood and contribute to my family.