
Driving has been a liberating experience for me as it helped me shed all the fear I had for the unknown.

Hello, I’m Renu, your chauffeur. It’s been around 5 years that I have been behind the wheels, not just maneuvering through the twisting roads but also through the ups and downs of life. Around 6 years ago I decided to make driving a part of my life without knowing how it would become a life-altering experience for me. I had not imagined that learning to drive would become an act of rebellion against societal norms. I became aware of the deep seated gender discrimination in our society and have resolved to do my best to fight for equality. Today, I am not just a skilled driver. I am also confident and able to handle technical jobs of cars, dealing with the transport department officials all by myself and many more. I am currently driving a mobile school bus for an NGO working with street children. My journey behind the wheels has been of a person, who harboured inexplicable fears about the unknown routes to a poised chauffeur, who loves to explore new and different roads. With each passing day, as I mastered my driving skills, I was able to overcome my own challenges like hesitation and self-doubts. To the extent that I am now all set to travel to Hungary, to train and work as a trailer driver in Europe. I am looking forward to that experience. Just as driving has been a liberating experience for me, I want to inspire other women to break free from stereotypes of the society and come forward to establish their own identity. I want to encourage women to come out of the confines of their homes and a life of dependency to savour the taste of what it means to be independent, just like I have done.